Why We Do It

Why what we do maters for the industry, culinary culture, and the future of our planet.
Hospitality is driven by and for people, bringing together families, friends, and cultures around a shared experience. Much of life’s distinct moments; weddings, birthdays, wakes, celebrations or get togethers involve a key element, food.
Cooking as a discipline is lauded with famous names and teachings, from the classic bible of Larousse gastronomique to modern pastry chef innovators like Antonio Bachour.
As a team, not only do we wish to add our own piece of history to this industry but inspire the next generation. Senior pastry chefs from Terry’s Patisserie partner with local culinary colleges and offer masterclasses to its students.
Contributing to the future generations and the community includes understanding our impact on the environment. Investing in modern technology has driven down food wastage, packing used is of recyclable materials and we continue to assess our carbon footprint – together we can have a positive impact.